Friday, May 8, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Getting Help

Jeff and I just got back from Boise, Idaho where we attended the Golbon mid-year food show. What is that you ask? Golbon is a foodservice distributor buying group that helps smaller, independent folks like us buy like the big guys (Sysco, US Foodservice and PFG) in the marketplace of vendors. In short - by banding together we can get the deals from suppliers like Tyson and ConAgra that the huge companies get. What an advantage to us - and to you! That means we can compete in selection and price with the big guys while giving you the small company service you expect.

We spent two days negotiating with current suppliers, exploring new options for new products and options for new suppliers of the same products. The good news? Everyone wants the PureFUN! business. We showed up on their buying reports and they were ready to talk! I'm sure Jeff will be sharing more.

How can this apply to you? Have you ever explored getting together with others in your industry and seeing how you can apply the group buying benefits? Vendors like me would be happy to help!