Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Start Something New!

Are you feeling a little blah about your business? Stuck in a rut? Do you sense that your staff and maybe even your parents feel the same way? Start something new!

The best way to energize your school is to start something new! A new program for the children, a new service for the kids, a new menu item, a new incentive program for your teachers, some new supplies, even some new mulch on the playground! This shows parents and staff alike that you are thinking and planning, that you still have a love for your business.

Remember - the success of your business is up to you. Take the time to think high-level and longer term. The investment of your time will pay off in greater enrollment and in a better value for your business when the time comes to move on. Happy planning!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Curb Appeal - What's your first impression?

We all know this from Real Estate 101, right? First impressions count and you almost never get a second chance to make a good first impression. Now I'm going to go to meddlin'...

What does your school look like from the street? Is is attractive and well kept? Is the playground neat and mulch filled? Or does it look like a home in foreclosure? Ouch...

Here's the challenge - stand accross the street from your school and take a hard look. Does it look like a place where you would want your child to go? Does it look like people care? Does it appear that the owners are proud of their facility?

Now let's be real - it doesn't take a ton of money to get things looking right. Landscaping, some paint, a fresh sign, some new stripes in the parking lot make a huge difference and most are things you can do yourself or hire for cheap. You know what needs to be done - I'm just giving you a little motivation to get on it! Just think if one more child stopped in and enrolled because of the street impression of your school. That's thousands of extra $ in a year, right?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What are you doing about YOUR Economy?

One of my favorite sales advice guru's - Jeffrey Gitomer - published this list of advice in his weekly email "Sales Caffeine". Instead of moaning about those things we cannot control try these:

ADVICE: Look for opportunity, not news.
ADVICE: Pay more attention to YOUR world than you do to THE world.
ADVICE: Read positive. Talk positive. Be positive.
ADVICE: Guard your time. Less diversions - not managed time, rather invested time.
ADVICE: Direct your activity to focus on issues of today. Be concise.
ADVICE: You will not win by waiting. You will win by doing.
ADVICE: Take action. Give direction.

Read, review and relfect. Our kids deserve it!